News / Outdoors
Rubicon Trail
September had us out on one big adventure with a trip into Northern California to tackle two major off road trails, the Rubicon and the Dusy Ershim.
My Hydration Setup
So if you are reading this there is a good chance you follow us on social media and there is a good chance you have seen us Getting The Fox Out There, and the most popular way for us to do that is either on a hat or a water bottle.
White Mountain CA Trip 3
After having said our good byes and a lot of the participants having headed down the hill I saddled up my day pack stashed my gear and stepped out from Barcroft Station.
White Mountain CA Trip 2
I woke up in the dorm and packed up my stuff I was still waking up and it was time for some well needed caffeine, the chow hall there was awesome and they made some great food.
Five Peak Challenge at Mission Trails
So I am still feeling last weekend a little bit we were out doing the Five Peak Challenge at Mission Trails with the Student Veteran Organization (SVO) for National University.
Ramona Country Fair, Outdoor Adventure Expo
National Adventure School, Land Nav Class
Gear Aid SPARK
The SPARK rechargeable LED lantern for Gear Aid is a great little option when trying to light up an area.
Pictographs at Little Blair Valley
We took a little trip out to see the pictographs at Little Blair Valley, a bit ago and where treated to an amazing overnighter in Anza Borrego State Park.
Pamo Valley
About ten minutes north of our store is an amazing place to day hike, Pamo Valley in Ramona California. The valley has been a favorite of mine for years...