News / Hunting
Spring Turkey Opener, No Birds, Good Lesson

Last Saturdays Spring Turkey Opener while not successful as a great time and an awesome way to spend some time with friends on the mountain. Unfortunately, while the turkeys are abundant down here they seem to have the dates on lock down and disappear from huntable land, if only we could hunt in neighborhoods, ha-ha. But a bad day hunting is better than a great day at work.
Lake Henshaw Turkey Tune UP

Last weekend was a fun little local adventure, we headed to the Turkey Tune Up held at Lake Henshaw this year. With Spring Turkey Season right around the corner, I jumped at the chance to check it out when our buddy Gary from the San Diego Hiking Network planned the trip.
First Duck Season 2, Hunting With Good Freinds

I jumped at the chance to go again when our buddy Charlie “danger” invited me. He had drawn a good number for Wister and we were headed out for a Sunday hunt. Now at this point it’s January and we are in California’s second super lock down for the COVID-19 so we were going to have to adjust our plans a little since campong at Wister was closed.
First Season Duck Hunting

This was my first season duck hunting and I have to say I’m hooked even with two whole trips under my belt I had a blast. I really lucked out on my first trip and got to head out with some seasoned hunters and good friends from Flatpit.
CDFW Lands Pass
Today we are talking about the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and their Lands Pass.
First Lite Traverse Hunting Gaiters
Over the past few years light weight trail gaiters have also become popular among hikers for keeping out those pesky pebbles and foxtails.
Lone Pine Pheasant Club