News / backpacking
Kit Fox Outfitters, April
April was a typically busy month as we split our time running the shop, teaching class and getting out for adventures.

Five Great Gifts Under $20

It’s that time of year again when we are running around grabbing gifts and stocking stuffers for our co-workers, friends, and family. It can be a stressful time so we put together a list of five awesome presents under twenty dollars that your outdoor people will love and use! After all what a better gift than making their experience outdoors a little more comfortable and safe.
Water Canyon Campground, Santa Rosa Island

Late September’s trip to Santa Rosa Island was a great trip with some good friends. Santa Rosa Island is a part of the Channel Islands National Park and is the second largest of California’s islands. Yes, California has islands, many have heard of Catalina though while many have not really heard about the Channel Islands.
Santa Rosa Island, Getting There

We had an amazing trip to Santa Rosa Island which is a part of the Channel Islands National Park for a weekend of camping, hiking and relaxation. After seeing a lot of the pictures, a lot of people I have talked to didn’t know that you can camp and explore there, well until recently I didn’t know you could either. So, one of the major parts of adventuring on this island is getting there…
Desert View Trail

Desert View Trail (More info here) on Mt laguna in the Cleveland National Forrest is a great way to really take in what San Diego has to offer when it comes to the outdoors. With amazing views of the desert below and Anza Borrego you get to hike along the edge of the mountain though chaparral and into the fall colors and pines. The scenery and easy access make this a trail worth checking out.
Super ESSE Emergency Comms Patch

“This patch is used an emergency call book. Reference it to hail assistance on emergency radio frequencies and channels. 4 helpful contact telephone numbers are included in the event of an emergency. The lower half of the patch contains a fill-in-the-blank ICE (In-Case-of-Emergency) Card. This information is referred to by first responders in the event of an accident so that family can be contacted. It will also provide medical services with your blood type and known allergies”. – Super ESSE
Backpacking with Triple B Adventures

I have done some big hikes in some great places this year and have put down some decent milage, for me when it is time to work with getting new hikers out there it can be a personal struggle to adapt the trip to make sure they have fun. Like taking my mom on a twenty miler through Joshua Tree, ha-ha. But you wouldn’t run a marathon cold, nor would you take someone out for their first run and do a marathon, so it stands to reason that introduction to this past time should be easy and fun.
Hiking Across Anza Borrego Two, The Finish

I woke up early-ish, after a few cold spots during the night I really didn’t want to get out of my bag, I was comfortable. Eventually though the sun crested, and I started to get a little too warm, nature’s way of saying time to get on the trail. I had a power bar and got my gear together and topped off all my water bottles.
Hiking Across Anza Borrego

Last weekend I completed a hike I have been wanting to do for a while across Anza Borrego Desert State Park in eastern San Diego County. This two-day hike took me across thirty-three miles of diverse desert landscape and was challenging and rewarding with some great solo hiking and amazing views.
Backpacking J Tree with Mom