News / hydration
Hiking Across Anza Borrego Two, The Finish

I woke up early-ish, after a few cold spots during the night I really didn’t want to get out of my bag, I was comfortable. Eventually though the sun crested, and I started to get a little too warm, nature’s way of saying time to get on the trail. I had a power bar and got my gear together and topped off all my water bottles.
Survival Starts at Home: Water
Survival Starts at Home: Water, we spent an amazing week in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and you can read about it HERE, but it was definitely a stark contrast from the water situation down here in SoCal.
Wet Weather Hiking
Wet Winter Hiking, don’t do it. The fact is that when it rains many of our popular trails pay the price when we hike them, muddy trails mean deep ruts from hiking through puddles or wearing down and unnaturally.
My Hydration Setup
So if you are reading this there is a good chance you follow us on social media and there is a good chance you have seen us Getting The Fox Out There, and the most popular way for us to do that is either on a hat or a water bottle.