News / Kit Fox

Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous

April 7-9 was a special weekend for us because it marked the second annual Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous...
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Death Valley Run

This month we went to Shot Show in Las Vegas. But being the outdoor adventure types that we are, we couldn't just take the normal routes that most take to get from San Diego to Las Vegas. We took the super scenic route.
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Winter Water Storage

  If the battle to stay hydrated on the trail wasn’t difficult enough, winter brings on its own unique challenges. For many of us southern California types, we often decide to change up our hikes and camping trips and we love to challenge ourselves. That challenge this time of year often involves mountains and the snow.
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Triple B Adventures on Palomar Mountain

Talk about a great beginning to the weekend. Last Friday we had the opportunity to go camping with Brady Pesola from San Diego School of Survival.
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Maryland Section of the Appalachian Trail

It all started talking over some beers at a friend’s house.  We had served in the same unit and spent plenty of time in the Middle East....
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Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous

 Mountain Man Rendezvous have a long and rich history, these where often bi-annual events where trappers, mountain men and peddlers would come together to exchange their wears and enjoy some stories and swap skills. Well speed it up a century and you have the Modern Mountain Man Rendezvous in Warner Springs. The key word here is modern!

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Winter Day Hike Gear

Day hikes are some of the best, getting you out of the house and exploring the local area all well letting you go home and sleep in your own bed.  What we often fail to do or I can guarantee you will see on the trail is people who forget to prepare for their hike. Yes day hikes can be very serious especially when testing your or your groups physical or mental limits as well as racing against Mother Nature of finding yourself in unfamiliar surroundings or situations.
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Mt San Jacinto Snowshoeing

So you’re in Southern CA, its winter and you are hankering to get up to the snow and do like some snow stuff other than skiing or snowboarding. I get it we have all been there, and maybe you are not a master outdoorsmen in the snow or maybe just a little rusty yup been there too.
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LuminAID PackLite 16

This week’s gear review has us taking a look at the LuminAID PackLite 16, first off this little guy is pretty cool when it comes to the outdoor lighting scene
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Matador Pocket Blanket

I present to you the Matador Pocket Blanket.
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